Unknow issue has occurred at our main distribution site at Pakawau affecting most of our Golden Bay customers. A tech is onsite investigating. No know restore time as yet.
Phone support is available between the hours of 9am and 5:30pm
Toll Free: 0800 999 589
From your VoIP Phone, dial *55 which will take you straight to your voicemail inbox.
If you have voice mail it will let you know and inform you which numbers to press to hear your messages and how to manage them.
1. Dial *55: Dial from the phone you wish to record your prompts on and select '0' for mailbox options from the menu and then option 1 to record a greeting.
2. Dial *50 To listen to your recorded message.
4 – previous message
5 – Repeat
6 – Play next message
7 – Delete
8 – Forward
9 – SAVE